Should You Join a Startup?

Joining a startup environment is exciting because there is so much promise, but at the same time so much is unknown. It is important that you weigh the risk vs. reward, and here are 3 steps to take during the interview process that will help you get a better feel if it could be a potentially successful marriage.

Vet the Company During and Outside of the Interview Process

During the interview process make sure to ask questions to the interviewers around the business. Ask them what types of customers they have, what their customer retention percentage is, and what growth has been like over the past two to three years. This will give you a good barometer on the stability of the organization. Outside of interviewing, study up on the organization’s competitors and industry. It is an evolving industry? Are more and more companies popping up? Seeing growth in customer retention and competition means the organization is on the right track.

Determine Your Growth Path

One of the major advantages of startups is that things move quickly, very quickly. So in turn, you get exposed to much more of the business than you would have otherwise at a larger corporation. Ask yourself if this startup exposes you to the field of interest that excites you. If it does, it could be a great way to gain precious hands-on experience and knowledge.

Evaluate the Company Culture

When you are a small group of people, one toxic cultural element can make life miserable. It is even more important than ever to vet out culture when a company is at an early stage. This can be done during the interview process in a number of ways. First, from a macro view, you will likely get a gut check on the culture collectively after you have interviewed with several team members. Ask yourself if there are any common themes that excite you or concern you. Also, compare yourself to the culture. Startups are less structured and more ad hoc, so make sure you are okay with working in an environment like that.

It is always important to understand the environment that you are getting into. Do you like more structure or more freedom? Do you need constant feedback or limited support? Asking yourself these questions will help you determine if a startup is really right for you.