Shifting Careers? 3 Helpful Tips

Shifting Careers? Here are 3 Helpful Tips

Shifting careers can be challenging and daunting. Especially if you have spent some time in a previous industry.

From my seat, I think extremely highly of people who have the guts to make a change. It shows that you are following your interests and are clearly passionate about the field you are shifting to.

With that being said, it is important to take several steps to increase your chances of landing that interview.

  1. Generalize Your Resume

I know this probably sounds odd. You have been told to be specific about your skills and accolades. I get it. However, if you are a 10-year Accountant shifting to Web Development, you need to broaden your skills on paper. Add recent web development courses at the top of your resume. Add bullet points about how you worked with It to gather financial data. There are ways to get creative and make your resume looked less focused and more general.

  • Increase Your Education

In today’s world it is easier than ever add skills virtually. Take an online course, research relevant webinars, speak to other industry professionals. You can add all of these items to your resume which will show potential employers you are serious about a shift.

  • Add a Cover Letter

Although it seems cover letters are a dying breed, it is important to be able to articulate why the shift. Explain why the change, why you are passionate about it, and your goals and aspirations. Also, this is a good chance to tailor part of your cover letter to the specific company to show you have done your research and aren’t spam applying.