We started “He Said She Said” for very different reasons. 


I have always wanted to write content that would help the job seeker. This became especially true during the Coronavirus outbreak. I saw my friends and connections losing their jobs due to the uncertainty of the future. Many of them did not know where to go or what to do. I have always viewed your career as your professional livelihood. It is a fulfilling part of your life. It should give you a sense of purpose. 

I have spent the past 14 years in the recruiting space. Most of my clients are venture-backed technology companies; however, I have worked across almost every industry. I have hired or placed over 1,000 people, written over 2,000 resumes, and interviewed tens of thousands of people. 

I have seen what works and what doesn’t for job seekers. I believe people are the most valuable asset to an organization, and I love helping match talent with opportunity. 


The health of my family and friends is essential to me. Several years ago, I was experiencing significant abdominal pain and couldn’t figure out what was going on.  Simultaneously, my husband and I were struggling to get pregnant. After countless hours or research and doctor’s appointment, we found an expert who diagnosed me with endometriosis.  Educating myself on this disease helped me understand why we weren’t getting pregnant.   

Ever since that moment, I wanted to be able to create a forum where people (mainly women) could go to, to get quick tips on common health issues. This isn’t just physical health, but mental health as well.   Although I primarily focus on health issues, I also want to share anything that I find interesting. 

I received my PharmD at the University of California, San Francisco, and have over seven years- experience in the multi-faceted world of the healthcare industry.  

The mix of professional healthcare work (clinical and non-clinical) coupled with an intensive educational program, has given me a unique perspective on health issues. 


You might think, how are career help and health information relevant to each other? Well, if you are happy in your career and career trajectory, you tend to be a healthier person. If you are a healthy person, you tend to perform better in your career. 

We wanted to bring together the two subjects, as we are each living them together.