6 Ways to Grow your Professional Brand on LinkedIn
6 Ways to Grow your Professional Brand on LinkedIn
Your professional brand starts with your profile. Is it a lazy profile or a compelling profile? It’s essential to make that first impression count with a stellar profile.
Step #1: Choose the right profile picture and headline.
– LinkedIn profiles with photos get 21x more views and 36x more messages.
Step #2: Create a short but sweet summary statement with a personal touch.
– Describe your motivations and skills. A personal touch always adds an empathy element from a reader’s point of view.
Step #3: Provide a detailed job or company history.
– Whether you are an employee or an employer, highlighting accomplishments add reputability. Treat your profile like a resume, and your company page like an interactive website.
Step #4: Keywords or Buzzwords.
– As mentioned, make sure you add ALL of your skills. This will elevate you as a professional.
Step #5: Get positive recommendations and endorsements.
– When others can see positive reviews, they are more likely to engage.
Step #6: Join relevant groups.
– If you are seen as someone active in your industry discussions, people will follow you.