5 Tips for a Successful Video Interview

As companies evolve, so do their interview processes. More and more companies are hiring remotely and/or opting for video interviews vs. flying someone out to their corporate office. That is creating a hotter than ever HR Tech market. Newer and more innovative video interviewing technology companies are sprouting up left and right. It is essential to be as prepared as an in-person interview.

Here are five tips to make sure you are prepared for your video interview:

1. Test All Technologies.

Before your interview, make sure that the camera works, the sound is on, the lighting looks good, and no surprises are lurking in the background. You want to make sure the interviewer only sees from your shoulders.

2. Dress for Success.

Dress exactly as you would for an in-person interview. The reason I suggest dressing head to toe for a video interview is doing so will make you feel more confident. Also, you don’t want to assume you’ll only be seen from the waist up.

3. Maintain Good Eye Contact.

It is easy for your eyes to wander when the person you are conversing with is not in the room. If you are using a double monitor, make sure to stay focused on the screen with the video. Also, keep good posture throughout.

4. Take Your time to respond.

Video interviewing can be tricky with the flow, especially if there is a slight delay in the audio. I recommend waiting for a brief second before asking or answering any questions. This ensures nobody is talking over one another.

5. Close the Video Interview.

It is critical that once the interview ends, you ensure the program is not still running. The last thing you would want to do is to make comments about how you felt the conversation went while the interviewer is still logged on.

A video interview is often a first or last step in the interview process, so make sure you make it count by being as prepared as possible.