5 Reasons to Take a Temp Job

There is a certain stigma around contract and temporary roles. At its surface, it doesn’t sound like the best thing. No benefits, no indefinite period of time, no real commitment by the company at all. However, if you look at the glass half full, it could be a gateway into really good things. This is especially true during a down economy.

#1. Entry to Great Companies:  You may have heard the term “try before you buy.” This means the company is trying the temp employee out before they decide to hire. At the same time, this gives you a chance to see if you like the company and role as well first. If you outperform, the chances of it converting to a full- time role are high.

#2. Expand Your Contacts: At the end of the day, if the role ends, you will have at least made some strong personal and professional connections from your time there. This will lead to solid references and referrals.

#3. Open Doors to Recruiters: It is recommended that you connect with 2-3 recruiters in your field. Doing so is beneficial on many fronts. They have strong access to open jobs, they can tell you about what is happening in the market, and you can lean on them for advice in particular situations.

#4. Gain New Skills: The more environments a professional is in, the more diverse set of skills they learn. Working at different companies will make you more versatile at your job. You will be a swiss army knife.

#5. The Arrangement Can Be Flexible: Having flexibility is huge. Maybe you are getting a degree or starting your own business. Having a contract role where you have flex hours will give you the opportunity to pull in some cash while following your passion.