10 Tips to Stay Motivated When Working From Home

Companies are trending more and more towards promoting a work-from-home (WFH) environment. It saves them from leasing office space, casts them a wider talent pool, and cuts unnecessary costs.

As this trend continues, you will see more and more 100% WFH companies. This is not for everyone. Some people just have to have the social interaction and that’s fine. In that case, this article is not for you. This article is for people who have the opportunity presented to them to WFH, and how they can thrive while doing so.

  • Get Dressed: It has been shown that when working from home, those who get dressed as if they were going to work tend to be more attentive and enthusiastic about their day-to-day duties.
  • Exercise: One of the major advantages of working from home is you have more flexibility in your workout times. One suggestion is workout during your would-be commute time. Endorphins really help!
  • Take Walking Meetings: If you don’t have a video meeting, take your bluetooth headphones and walk around a bit. It is great for your happiness and overall well-being.
  • Stay Off Social Media: Minimizing use of social media helps avoid distractions, so you can focus on getting more done.
  • Get Fresh Air: Stepping outside helps boost creativity and productivity. Even try to set up your working station near a window where you can let sunlight in.
  • Use Remote Tools: When you are remote you are not as engaged, so see if your company has invested in professional communication tools like Slack and Zoom so you can stay connected with your team.
  • Prioritize Through Productivity: Everyone has points in their day they tend to be the most motivated, energized, and focused on their work. Make sure you schedule your more challenging tasks during this time frame.
  • Hit That Playlist: When you aren’t on the phone or conference call, play some of your favorite soundtracks as you go about your work day. You can listen to music that matches the energy of the project you’re working on.
  • Plan for the Day Ahead: Just like you would at work, as you wrap up your day make sure you have next day’s priorities set and ready to go. That way you hit the ground running the following morning.
  • End Your Day: People who WFH tend not to know when to stop. Just like you would do so when leaving an office, close down your computer and focus on your family or personal evening hobbies. Nobody can be on 24/7.